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Harrison and Maryn

Today we are going to go about a different way of our usual blogging. Emma and I will be collaborating our thoughts together about our experiences and thoughts on the class where Lisa’s two children Harrison (age 6) and Maryn (almost 4 years) came in. We started off with a couple of activities that we had set up for them. First we did a finger painting activity where Harrison chose to paint a vampire and Maryn chose to paint a witch. Harrison was more independent with his artwork, and he followed the instructions set by Kayla. Maryn was very creative and enjoyed using all of the different colors of paint. Then we moved on to another activity where they made mummy Oreo cookies. Harrison showed more independence and initiative once again as he was able to decorate his cookie with little assistance, and got creative by adding many candy eyes. Whereas Maryn looked for help from others as it was difficult for her to do alone for the first time. However it did not bother her she was quite happy and enjoyed eating her cookie afterwords.

Then they moved on to play games in our classroom. Maryn played pretend games such as a tea party, where she made food for everyone, and she enjoyed playing with a variety of dolls as well. On the other hand Harrison enjoyed much more active play such as playing bean bag toss, soccer, and finding an imaginative use for the hula hoop by making it a net for the bean bags. At the end we played music for everyone to dance to but Harrison did not seem interested and neither did Maryn. Maryn’s fine motor skills seemed to be fairly well developed as she was building with blocks, grasping a paint brush, and writing her name with assistance from her mom. Harrison showed strong social development; he was not shy to talk to anyone and was very involved with all the girls. He also showed fine and gross motor skill development as he was very active (Soccer, beanbags, hula hoop etc.). Overall it was a great experience for all of us, as well as the kids. Harrison even wanted to invite us all to his birthday party!

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