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Looking Deeper: A container is a container

It is isn’t it, or is it something a little more than that, in week 3 of our class observing, recording and assessing we were given an in class activity to do. We received a surprise object to assess and observe. At first it was a little tricky and strange…as my group had a container, as we observed it got a little clearer and we started to see the goal. At the end of the activity we realized our container had an object in it that we failed to recognize which was not a bad thing, it just made another goal– unintended but it worked. The goal of the activity was 1) things may not always appear to be as they seem 2) we have to look and dig a little deeper sometimes to figure things out.

These two concepts can be applied when observing, assessing and dealing with children. Children can be tricky to understand what they are doing sometimes, especially at a young age. But as future educators we have to be able to observe and understand what we are observing to the best of our ability what is going on. For instance discussed in class was the topic hearing, a child may not appear to be picking up words and reacting to sounds at first and this can be dismissed just by missing simple and key indicators. But with looking a little deeper into the situation through assessing, observing one can examine the child’s reaction to noise such as little reaction to noise or no reaction to noise. When noticed it can prevent further problems not only, but also may see that he/she has may have hearing loss...sooner than later.

With every situation that arises we have to take a set back and asses and think out of the box, because we can miss very important details in a child’s development.

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